Cut a small field last week that was going to seed and partly to make sure all machinery is working before the season starts. 3d printed spacers to take our drum mower from 68 to 88mm (3 1/2″) cut height to help encourage regrowth for later in the year and to limit ground evaporation. Fields are a good three weeks behind compared to last due to the late cold snap, thankfully wilted for hay.
Quiet a surprise, lunch out side that afternoon to 6 inches of snow 8pm..! Its been a very wet month, excellent for the Lucerne that needs water over winter compared to grasses that generally require April showers, and rainfall throughout the year for growing. Getting ready for letting the cattle out, fence repairs and preparing for mowing hopefully last quater of April.
Quiet time of the year, cattle are contently in the barns from the rain, busy installing the last half of the new barriers, chainsaws are sharp waiting for breaks in the weather for forestry. Taking the opportunity to stone pick a few fields that i’m bringing back into mowing this year that we fenced at the start of 2017. Laborious but therapeutic, systematically working along stacking small stone cairns to collect later with the Mule!
Our cattle have now come in for the next few months with heavy showers forecast and hopefully plenty more rain to come. We’ve installed new steel posts for the existing Axial barriers with a two bay extension for separating (still to complete) and for a dedicated calf feeding/resting area using our Jourdian creep barrier. Allot of work left still for the other herd, installing Swedish mono designed clamps over the winter better suited to horns.
Busy month, installing new head barriers from Jourdain in the cattle sheds, and finally started on some muck spreading. Ground is still incredibly dry, going to be a long winter, taken first delivery of straw for bedding.
After a busy summer mowing and baling winter will soon be here, time to get on with getting the sheds ready for the herd to come in sometime November on wards.
Picture from one of the last few loads of muck. Ideally left to compost in the fields two or three months or longer, helping to kill pathogens and weed seeds, encourages good bacteria and greatly reduces the pile size for spreading.